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Discover our School
Why would you choose Kingston School for your children? Or for yourself?
Motto is “Learning for Life”, and in the 21st century, when everything is changing at a faster pace than it has ever been before, it is very important to learn how to LEARN.
At Kingston, we believe in an inquiry-based learning style. Kingston offers the International Primary Curriculum and Cambridge International Curriculum, founded on a teaching style that requires students to think, analyse, ask questions and not solely memorise.
Using a tri-lingual approach, our students learn in English throughout their time at Kingston, and they also learn Mandarin from Pre-Nursery and Bahasa Indonesia from K-1.
A child who stays at Kingston throughout his schooling leaves with a thorough ground in these three important languages.

Principal's Welcome
Dear Members of the Kingston School Family and Visitors,
I, Ms Charlott Dano, would like to welcome you to Kingston School. With 20 years of experience in education, I remain passionate about teaching and learning.
I am fortunate and delighted to lead a value-oriented school that provides enormous opportunities for our students to develop holistically, enabling them to face the challenges and demands of everyday life. Our goal is to make each student embody the school’s principle, which is ‘learning for life’. Our students are encouraged to be adaptable, cooperative, enquiring, independent, respectful, resilient, responsible, thoughtful, and international-minded. Their milestones are appreciated and celebrated through learning journeys and other school events.
SPK (Sekolah Penyelenggara Kerjasama)
Kingston School is a SPK (Sekolah Penyelenggara Kerjasama) Private school, having local and International Primary Curriculum (IPC) for Primary level and Cambridge curriculum for Secondary level. All students will join the CIE IGCSE examination in Year 10. Indonesian Citizens must sit for ‘Ujian Akhir’ in year 6 and ‘Ujian Nasional’ in year 9 and 12. SPK is a school held or managed on the basis of cooperation between the foreign educational institutions recognized or accredited overseas, with an Indonesian educational curriculum in formal accordance with Indonesian laws and constitution.

Alumni Testimonials

我是刘蓉领 aka Camella Liu. 当提起金斯顿学校时,我脑海中浮现的都是那些美好和甜蜜的回忆. 还记得在金斯顿学校上课的那段日子, 妈妈每天早上五点钟起来给我们做早餐。爸爸每天早上开车送我们去学校。 放学从教室出来时, 就会看到妈妈在学校大厅等着接我们回家。在回家的路上,妈妈一边开车,我们一边和妈妈分享在学校里的点点滴滴,像朋友争吵啊;测验有多难啊;考试不及格等等。对我来说,金斯顿學校的生活就像坐过山车一样,起伏不定,却充满乐趣也尝遍甜酸苦辣的滋味。时间过得飞快,和我同班的同学都已经各自纷飞,各自去追求自己的理想。在我心中,我的那些同学就是我的家人,而我的老师们就像父母一样。这就是金斯顿学校,一个家,一个安全的港湾,一个充满珍贵回忆的地方。

Lokasi Kingston yang terencana dengan baik memungkinkan kami fokus pada studi kami tanpa terganggu oleh polusi suara dari jalan utama. Guru berupaya untuk mengajar siswa secara akademis dan sopan. Kingston telah melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa dengan membuat sekolah berjalan dengan sangat lancar.

After studying in Kingston for roughly 12 years, I can admit that the school has enabled me to grow into a better person. Being able to spend most of my childhood here and grow with my peers and teachers was an irreplaceable experience. The teachers were hardworking, and they were persistent in helping their students. I truly appreciate the teachers who have wholeheartedly tried their best to help their students achieve greater things. Their passion still inspires me to this day. The like minded friends that I have made throughout the years also encouraged me to keep working hard to succeed together. But, of course, the unbreakable bonds that I have formed with them are also precious to me. Last but not least, the environment itself has also taught me to be more independent, self-spoken, and goal-oriented. Kingston had, and still has, much to offer, and I am glad to have been a part of it.

Kingston School Medan has a friendly and very welcoming environment. Despite the few numbers of students back when I was a student there, I was able to feel welcomed by the teachers and fellow students since day 1 as a Kingston student. I guess Kingston School has done a great job in carrying their motto/slogan “learning for life”.