Kingston eca activities

After School Activities

Kingston School offers a wide range of activities that start after the timetabled curriculum ends. This programme aims to supplement the learning process in a variety of ways in order to encourage our students to develop a balanced lifestyle that includes excellence in the academic areas but also fitness, exercise, creative thinking, leadership and teamwork skills.

The choice of  activities changes from Semester to Semester and depends on teachers’ and students’ interests.


An opportunity to try new something new.
An opportunity to play sport and be physically challenged.
An opportunity to receive remedial help in areas where a student needs extra help – especially in English, Mathematics, Bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin.
Bimbingan in Years 6 and 9 to prepare for Indonesian National exams.
Additional lessons beyond 14:45 in order to complete Cambridge syllabus and to prepare for IGCSE.
An opportunity to develop hidden talents and self esteem.
Lessons in Religion as required by the Indonesian Ministry of Education.